Best BJJ Soap To Protect Against Ringworm and Fungal Infections

Best BJJ Soap To Protect Against Ringworm and Fungal Infections

The best soap for wrestlers and BJJ practitioners is Defense Soap and Body Wash. This is because Defense Soap was specifically designed for grapplers. It is made with specific ingredients to help prevent and get rid of ringworm and other common mat diseases.  When it comes to checking all of the boxes for effective soap…

Catch Wrestling Vs. BJJ: Differences and Pros and Cons Of Each

Catch Wrestling Vs. BJJ: Differences and Pros and Cons Of Each

Catch wrestling and BJJ are two popular grappling arts with passionate fans. Some argue that catch wrestling helps to achieve a higher level of fitness than BJJ, while others suggest that BJJ has better techniques and is effective for any combative situation, so who’s right in this battle? Is catch wrestling better than BJJ? Catch…

White Belt Frustrations | 7 Common Frustrations For BJJ White Belts

White Belt Frustrations | 7 Common Frustrations For BJJ White Belts

Starting BJJ is a fun and exciting experience for most people. However, it can also be a very frustrating time as well. There are a ton of frustrations you will experience as a BJJ white belt. After all, every technique seems super complicated and there seems to be an endless amount of information. On top…